family Tag

Parenting Your Child with ADHD

Parenting Your Child with ADHD   Did you know children in foster care are considered a “special health care” population by the American Academy of Pediatrics (1)? What does this mean? It means that kids who have lost their families are likely to have more health challenges than...

Different and Okay

DIFFERENT AND OKAY Nine Ways To Help Your Special Needs Child Thrive   "Six years ago my world was shattered. Our 10-year-old daughter had been diagnosed with cancer and nothing would ever be the same. What followed was a year of brutal treatment, but she survived. Unthinkably, part of...


Nourishment Part 4 in our summer series, "Come To The Table" Nourishing our bodies, our relationships, and our souls Think about the significant family moments of celebration as well as the everyday moments of routine that happen around the family table. There really is something meaningful that happens...

The Gifts of the Table

Making Family Meals Happen Part 3 in our summer series, "Come To The Table"   Meal time. In seasons of rushing around with full days of all things “on-the-go”, meal time seems to so often be the first thing put on the back burner of family life. However,...

4 Systems That Bring Life To Large Families

It’s a common question when you have a lot of children, “How do you do it?” I think what people are asking is, “How in the world do you manage all the ‘stuff’ of parenting ten kids?!” The emails, the texts, sports schedules, laundry, cooking,...

The Power of Parenting Forward

“You are a liar!” I’m not proud of this, but I have outright not just said, but yelled these words at my child. And how did that work for me? It didn’t. I didn’t see or taste any fruit from it. Yes, it certainly felt...


I managed to live a mercifully long number of years before experiencing the type of suffering that changes everything. Somehow I avoided the kind of heartbreak that forever divides life’s timeline into a before and after. But in this broken and sinful world, the pain...

A Long Wait
and a Big Promise

Our daughter is now eight years old and this holiday season was quick to remind me, "Papa, this is my first Christmas!" But this special little girl came into our lives a long time ago - at three months old when my wife, Amy, and I went on...

The Fellowship of the

For many of us, somewhere along the line, God placed a mission in our hearts to welcome a child home! Perhaps more than one child, perhaps only for a few weeks, perhaps for a lifetime. The variables may be unique, but the mission was the...